Friday, August 28, 2009

The Appeal by-John Grisham

2.5 hours
pages 1-78

I started reading books last year when i was looking for something to read and my mom recommended this book to me.

I like this book because it is about law and kind of mystery. This courtroom drama is about a chemical plant (Krane Chemical) dumping their waste into a river which goes into a cities water supply and many of then get illnesses, cancer and some of them die. A lady named Jeannette Baker hires a lawyer couple named Wes and Mary Grace Payton to sue Krane Chemical, because her husband and son die from the waste. After many months of people testifying the jury reaches a verdict. Jeannette receives forty-one million dollars, three million for the death and thirty-eight million for punitive damages. The lawyer couple had spent everything on this trial and were very excited but exhausted.

This is been an exciting book so far.